Protecting Kenya's Natural Heritage for Future Generations. Join the Movement Empowering Kenyans to take action for the environment Join the Movement Justice for Kenya's Environment: Advocacy That Makes a Difference. Join the Movement

Empowering Environmental Change in Kenya

A united effort for a cleaner, greener Kenya. PILAE champions the protection of our green spaces, combats environmental violations, and advocates for stronger legislation. Together, we can create a sustainable future.


Promoting citizen-led stewardship and action for a healthy environment


Proactive citizens and strong institutions that work towards a healthy environment in Kenya.

Our Work

Transforming Advocacy into Impact. PILAE’s work is focused on:

Environmental Advocacy

Mobilising communities and influencing policies.

Public Interest Litigation

Holding violators accountable and seeking justice.

Environmental Education

Empowering citizens with knowledge of their rights.

Policy Reform

Strengthening environmental laws to ensure enforcement.

News & Stories

Stay informed about the latest in environmental advocacy, legal victories, and PILAE’s milestones.

Join the Movement

Make a difference today and become a key part of the movement for Kenya’s environment.